
What is a Mind Wander?

A mind wander is something you might be able to experience after severe emotional trauma. Crying sets off endorphins which kill pain, in the case of emotional trauma, the pain it would be killing would be emotional pain. It seems to me that it also opens up doors to thoughts we might otherwise suppress. When endorphins numb the pain, it also numbs the inhibitors to our inner creative powers with which we were naturally born. Many of us avoid thinking of certain areas of our lives because those areas bring with them a certain amount of pain. But if we don’t think about them, then they don’t get processed, and they’re much harder to deal with. 

If you do process them, you may be able to really, for the first time, let your mind go anywhere it wants to go. Let your subconscious lead the way into unknown adventures and lessons our wiser self wants us to focus on. Turn on some very relaxing music, close your eyes, and wait until a story begins to form. Then follow it and see where it takes you. Don’t direct it. Don’t try to control it. It’s time for your conscious mind to step aside, the monarch that it is, and set the wise advisor in you free. That’s how all these short stories were written. I just wrote down what I saw in these “visions”, very symbolic, very peace loving, and very poignant. So I wrote them down as I didn’t want to forget them. And every time I reread them, I learn something new about me, about you, about the world, and about the universe.